20 Writing Conferences & Retreats to Attend in Summer 2024

20 Writing Conferences & Retreats to Attend in Summer 2024

Want to take your writing career to the next level this summer? Consider attending a writing conference. Some popular summer conferences, such as Write to Publish, and the Santa Barbara Writers Conference, have already taken place, but there’s still time to attend others. See below a list of 20 conferences (and a few retreats) I’ve compiled that are being held from late June to September.

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An Occasionally Challenging Journey With a Happy Outcome: How Cliff Burke Landed an Agent, Book Deals & Accolades for His Middle Grade Novels

An Occasionally Challenging Journey With a Happy Outcome: How Cliff Burke Landed an Agent, Book Deals & Accolades for His Middle Grade Novels

I’m delighted to share my interview with author Cliff Burke. Cliff and I worked together on a partial manuscript critique of his middle grade novel An Occasionally Happy Family back in 2018. Since then he landed an agent, two book deals with Clarion Books (now a division of HarperCollins), and he has several more projects in the pipeline.

What’s inspiring about Cliff’s story is that he “did not have any connections or real understanding of how the agenting process worked,” as he explained. So he took a methodical approach when sending out query letters, and it worked! Learn about Cliff's publishing journey here.

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Twelve Contests From Independent & University Presses That Offer Book Publication as the Prize

Twelve Contests From Independent & University Presses That Offer Book Publication as the Prize

If you’ve been querying agents for a while, you know that finding representation can be more challenging than finding a publisher. You’ve likely been searching for an agent because most publishers, namely corporate publishers that can offer authors a substantial advance against royalties, don’t generally accept unagented submissions. But several independent and university presses welcome submissions directly from authors.

Here is a list of publishers that don’t just accept unsolicited submissions; they also offer what I think is the best prize of all: publication of your work in book form. Some include an advance and/or cash award in addition to publication. A few have deadlines coming up in January or February, but there’s still time to apply.

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